Our company

Everyone who is responsible for people’s safety needs a partner they can trust! ARTILUX Swiss Safety (ASS) AG is an experienced Swiss SME supplying the market with certified, professional PPE. “Made in Switzerland” quality is our promise for your ARTILUX Swiss safety product and our customer-focused service.

National and international customers put their trust in our experience. We place the highest priority on measurable precision, quality and customised advice – and not only in theory: our suppliers and employees put this philosophy into practice every day. Your added value? We understand your needs, and you can rely on receiving personal protective equipment that matches them perfectly.

Dangers are sector-specific and diverse. We are familiar with the challenges and recognise the need to take appropriate action, thanks to our long-standing customers from trade, industry, construction, agriculture, forestry, local authorities, the military, energy, metal processing, hunting and leisure shooting sports, precision engineering, automotive, transport and health sectors.

Our mission for your employees? We not only provide reliable protection for people physiologically but also attach great importance to good fit and wearing comfort. ARTILUX Swiss safety products such as head protection and helmets, ear defenders, safety glasses, respiratory protection, safety gloves and footwear protect your employees reliably and comfortably in every area of their work.

Service, service, service! Are you perhaps an original equipment manufacturer? From design to manufacture, we develop your individualised product with you – certified of course and “Made in Switzerland”. Not only that, we work with our international retail and wholesale customers to produce the optimum packaging with attractive layouts, completely in accordance with your wishes.

Based on our values, we have laid down the most important rules of behaviour in a code of conduct that is binding for all employees. We also expect all suppliers with whom we work to act in accordance with the essential content of this code of conduct.